If the members are equally spaced, because tributary width is is half the distance to the next member on one side and half the distance on the other side, the tributary with is equal to the member spacing.
In many cases a uniform spacing of members is used throughout the framing plan. This example is designed to illustrate the concept of tributary area rather than typical framing layouts.
$\text{Trib. A} = \text{trib. width} \times \text{span}$
Class website (Use this link to if you are taking the course on e-learning.)
Github.io version of course website (Do not use this link if you are taking this course in Summer A or B.)
IPython.org (IPython is the opensource software used in the development of much of this course.)
CSS stylesheet
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<audio controls data-autoplay>
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<p>Your user agent does not support the HTML5 Audio element.</p>
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